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Friday, February 22, 2019

City Prepares for Upcoming Local Elections

离2019年5月4日大选只有72天了,选举季又来了. The Mayor and all members of City Council are up for re-election. 我们一共有九名候选人竞选市长,包括现任市长罗恩·尼伦伯格 ...

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Friday, February 22, 2019

LSA44 explores economic development in San Antonio

Not so long ago, 一群完全陌生的人聚在一起,计划在三周内举办一场活动,主题是我们一无所知的圣安东尼奥的经济发展.随着奥斯汀和休斯顿等城市人口和经济的迅速增长, ...

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Friday, February 15, 2019

San Antonio Takes on Washington

A record-setting number of San Antonians traveled to Washington, DC last week for the 41st annual SA to DC advocacy trip. The delegation, 它由超过175名商业和社区领袖组成, was led by Juan Antonio Flores, Executive ...

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Friday, February 15, 2019

SAISD is On Course

At the annual State of the District for SAISD, 主管佩德罗·马丁内斯(Pedro Martinez)传达的首要信息是,该学区正在“走上正轨”,扭转表现不佳的学校,全面提高学生的成绩. ...

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Friday, February 15, 2019

Texas District 125 Election Results

两名竞逐德克萨斯州众议院125区席位的候选人将进行决选. Tuesday was Election Day and a total of 6, 215 ballots were cast, a mere 6% of registered voters in the district. After mail-in ballots were counted, the ...

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Friday, February 1, 2019

Texas Legislative Session Update

由于参众两院的委员会都已成立,德克萨斯州的立法会议进展迅速. 已经举行了几次听证会,主要是讨论国家预算. This week, Governor Greg Abbott, Lt. Governor Dan ...

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Friday, February 1, 2019

Early Voting Open for Texas House District 125

德克萨斯州众议院125区特别选举的早期投票已经开放,将持续到2月8日. 五名候选人正在争夺之前由贾斯汀·罗德里格斯(Justin Rodriguez)占据的席位, who recently replaced the late Paul Elizondo on the Bexar ...

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Friday, February 1, 2019


What do wind turbines, drones, and weather radars have in common? 对于专注于训练、安全和技术的德克萨斯州军事领导人来说,这些都是他们最关心的问题. 由德州军事准备委员会(TMPC)主办,德州军方 ...

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Friday, February 1, 2019

LSA44 Begins New Year with Opening Retreat

After weeks of preparation and planning, 圣安东尼奥第44届领导班(LSA)举行了一个开放的静修会,以连接和开始重要的团队建设任务,并组织LSA今年的目标和愿景.The retreat kicked off ...

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Friday, February 1, 2019

数码产业议会在圣. Mary’s University

60多名网络安全专业人士和利益相关方参加了今年首次网络产业委员会/网络安全圣安东尼奥会议. Hosted by St. 玛丽大学,社区欢迎埃内斯托·巴列斯特罗斯作为其 ...

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