Mayor Ron Nirenberg to deliver annual United State of the City Address

San Antonio, TX - [March 14, 2024] The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce and the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce are proud to announce the upcoming annual United State of the City, featuring Mayor Ron Nirenberg. This highly anticipated event will take place on April 9, 2024, from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm at the San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter, nestled along the iconic River Walk.

Mayor Nirenberg, who was elected Mayor of San Antonio on June 10, 2017, and previously served as the District 8 City Council Representative, will deliver remarks focusing on the city's remarkable progress and prospects.

Under Mayor Nirenberg's leadership, San Antonio has been committed to ensuring a bright future for its residents. The city has implemented an unprecedented workforce development program aimed at equipping its workforce with the skills necessary for the jobs of tomorrow. Additionally, affordable housing initiatives have been launched to address the needs of all residents, ensuring that San Antonio remains an inclusive and vibrant community for all.

"The United State of the City address is a pivotal moment for our community, where we come together to celebrate our achievements and chart a course for an even brighter future," said Jeff Webster, President, and CEO of The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce. "We are honored to host the Mayor as he addresses the citizens of San Antonio alongside our business and community leaders.”

The United States of the City event is expected to be a sold-out event. Attendees will have the opportunity to gain insights into the city's strategic priorities and engage in meaningful dialogue about the future of San Antonio.

For media inquiries or if you would like to cover this event, please contact Samantha Rendon, VP of Image, and Communications at or call (210) 324-1929.

For more information about the United State of the City event and to purchase tickets, please visit


About the Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce

The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce is the preeminent voice of the San Antonio business community. As the largest business association in the region, the Greater Chamber advocates on behalf of the business community at the local, state, and federal levels; collaborates with educational institutions and organizations to build a stronger workforce for the future; and provides a way for businesses of every size to build their network.