The Complete Count Committee met Monday, May 20 at the San Antonio Public Library, in what is a single step in a long campaign that your 室 will actively assist in with a goal of 完整的y representing San Antonio in the 2020 Census. While the 2020 Census will not start accepting submissions for another 10 months, the groundwork required to ensure a complete count is a herculean effort, which can never start too early. Supporting and encouraging a proper, 完整的, and 准确的数 of the residents of San Antonio in the 2020 Census is one of the top priorities of the 室, because it will affect nearly every facet of residential life, 经济, and the future of this city. Information taken from the Census will decide how much funding San Antonio will receive for social services and assistance programs, as well as Texas’ allotment in the House of Representatives, among other things. If the 完整的 scope of the population is not reported, then insufficient funds and resources will be allocated to our community and San Antonians will be underserved. People from different walks of life are all expected to fill out their Census forms, but because this is the first year that the Census will be completed largely online, is may be a challenge for some residents. Currently, 20 percent of city residents do not have broadband at home. Residents in such a position are advised to visit their local library, while Census workers intend to meet with others and conduct the submission directly. Homeless people and college students are also less likely to respond to the Census because of their transient residence, compared to families, who traditionally stay in one place. 一般, people will lower income are less likely to respond to the Census, when all other variables are accounted for. Families with young children are statistically less likely to report children under 5—especially babies— compared to older children, who are normally reported. For the first time since 1950, the Census will have a question about citizenship. In response to this, the Complete Count Committee is expecting increased difficulty in accurately counting undocumented residents, 他们的家庭, and people who are here legally but feel such a question could be risky to their situation. The Census has repeatedly made it clear that data collected by the bureau cannot be shared with other agencies, 比如ICE. Wrongful disclosure by a Census official carries a penalty of five years in prison and/or a fine up to $250,000. Quelling the fears of the affected population is a task of great importance for the committee, as it will affect a complete, 准确的数. The Complete Count Committee is divided into six different subcommittees with specific areas of focus:
  • Community and Faith Based Organizations
  • Government, Military, and Veterans
  • 教育
  • Media and Communications
  • Rural/Unincorporated Areas
  • Business and Labor(which is co-chaired by the 室’s 总统 & 首席执行官 Richard Perez).
The committee is led by co-chairs Celina Pena of LiftFund and Rebecca Q. Cedillo of University Health System. The group plans to meet once a month in the next few months, with increased frequency as submissions draw closer. “Ensuring a complete count is a major priority of the 室,” 室 总统 & 首席执行官 Richard Perez said. “It is about our representation in Congress and our ability to get our fair share of the pie. If we can’t count our population, we will miss out. Kids will go hungry, families will go without health care, and roads could potentially not get paved—in a growing community like San Antonio, we need every dollar we can get.”