The 44th Class for Leadership San Antonio is already underway. The Welcome Reception, held at the historic O’Neil Ford home on Willow Way and hosted by James Lifshutz, native San Antonian and local real estate developer, included current Steering Committee and Class Members along with their guests. The reception serves as an opportunity for the group of 62 to meet and begin the process of relationship building in a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere. Co-Chairs Andi Rodriguez (SAISD) and Laura Cabanilla (Wells Fargo) greeted the guests with words of encouragement for the year – to include highlighting the impact that this year will have on their personal and professional lives for many years to come, as it establishes a vast and important network of “LSA Family” that extends beyond San Antonio for many. Chamber President and CEO, Richard Perez, made remarks about the impact of the LSA program in the community, the great success that many of the class members have enjoyed, and the importance of “diving into LSA with energy and enthusiasm, stretching boundaries, and accepting the challenge to engage and ask questions to make San Antonio better.” In 2019, San Antonio Chamber Board Chair, Paula Gold-Williams (CPS Energy) is continuing the efforts established by our 2018 Chair Shaun Kennedy (Texas Capital Bank), where LSA Class members will have the opportunity to join Chamber Board members at monthly meetings, special events, as well as Council and Committee meetings, so they will get a sense of the great work the Chamber does in advocacy, awareness, and engagement throughout the San Antonio region. In addition to the Welcome Reception, Leadership San Antonio’s Alumni Association is in full swing recruiting new members for 2019. The final event for 2018 was held at the McNay and hosted by LSA Class 25. The event was well attended by more than 80 LSA Class alumni and guests and highlighted the beautiful venue as well as the current Pop Art exhibit. Membership in the Alumni Association is open to all previous class members of LSA and affords the alumni an opportunity to keep up to date with each other, meet new members, and stay on top of new and emerging business trends in San Antonio. Membership needs to be renewed annually and provides members access to quarterly events without cost, opportunities for career growth and mentorship, sharing of resources, as well as a comprehensive list of contacts for Alumni from all class years, now back 44 years! If you are interested in joining the LSA Alumni Association, please follow this link: Finally, we will be revealing some new and exciting news for LSA in 2019 – so stay tuned! For more information on Leadership San Antonio, please contact Lori Stinson at or call at 210-229-2122.